**NEW** DEA 8-Hour Mandatory Training

All DEA-licensed prescribers nationwide, including dentists, are now subject to a NEW one-time 8-hour opioids training requirement per federal congressional mandate (MATE Act). If you are a DEA-licensed dentist, these 8 hours of training are required for your next renewal occurring on or after June 27, 2023.

ACES offers three separate courses, each awarding 3 CE units, that together will satisfy the opioids training requirement. You can take these courses prior to June 27 and still satisfy the DEA requirement. These courses also count towards general CE for both DEA-licensed and non-licensed practitioners, including hygienists and dental staff.

Essential Pharmacology for the Whole Dental Team
Managing Medically Complex Dental Patients
Responsibilities & Requirements of Prescribing Schedule II Opioids 

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